Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Marissa Watson P.2 Magazines with Sienna Boyd

Marissa Watson Mr. B P.2 Photo Essay: Tree Photo

  • This picture I took near the gym
  • I took a worm's eye view picture
  • I wanted to capture the trunk and the branches stemming from the trunk.
  • In this picture there are leaves, trunk, branches, and rods that hold the tree in place.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Marissa Watson Mr. B Period 2: Writing Assignment Dodge Commercial

I really enjoyed the Dodge commercial with the Paul Harvey speech about why God made farmers. I believe that is the true reason why farmers were made because they bring the community together as one. Here in San Diego we don't see many farmers but the true farmers in the Midwest mold an entire community. I wish there were more farmers because they are the caregivers of our America and they are the ones that represent America the best.
Dodge's true intention was to comment that just like the farmers a Ram truck will help America and will represent America like the farmer does.

Marissa Watson Mr. B: Trees P.2

Gym Tree

The New and the Old

Wormseye view

Joint Canopy

Trees and Seagulls

Monday, February 4, 2013

Marissa Watson Mr. B Period 2: Current Event: Photo

Leland Bobbe's  Sponsored Talk about Half-Drag In SoHo, NY!

1. Photographer- Leland Bobbe

2. Topic- Half- Drag photography

3. Depicts Drag Queens as they really are.

4. Half male half female pictures

5. Gay community embraced and applauded the photos and the quality by Bobbe.

6. Huffington Post article was written about the event.

Marissa Watson Mr.B: Teachers/Staff

Mrs. Cendejas being a counselor

Ms. Nancy 

Librarian work

Coach P what are you doing?

Staff through a Cheez It!